Equine Special with Zesterra


Equine Special with Zesterra­­­® is a convenient way to make sure your horse is getting everything it needs to thrive. A special blend of high-quality, bio-available vitamins and minerals has been formulated for horses of all ages. This loose mineral is a great addition to your daily feeding regimen and ensures your horse is getting the added benefits of Zesterra® daily.

Even the best hay and forage can have "holes" in its nutrient content. Supplementing your horse daily with a balanced, carefully formulated vitamin and mineral blend can help fill in those deficiencies and give your horse everything they need to thrive. The addition of Zesterra® makes this mineral unique, in that it supports gut health and delivers acid-neutralizing properties — one of the keys in preventing gastric ulcers from developing.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.